Sunday, 22 June 2008

heaven at last?

Last week we finished our look at heaven and to some extent hell, all stemming from Tom Wright's book Surprised by Hope.

This book proved hard to summarise! so I won't try that here (also I have yet to read it). For me the main thing to come out of this was that creation is basically good, that this world is not going to be swept away and replaced by heaven, rather the image is of this world being redeemed & transformed as will people. So what we do here and now is important here and now, the possibility of heaven does not stop us caring and acting for justice in this world.

My thoughts anyway... please feel free to comment/disagree etc.


Friday, 13 June 2008

A good excuse to play on your computer

If you are looking for a good excuse to spend idle time on your computer go here:

The longer you play, the more rice is donated; self indulgent time wasting made good!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

what do we think of heaven?

so far in this series we have looked at paradise/eden and then the fall from that paradise. next time we we look at what tom wright has to say about heaven (and how he thinks the Church has got it wrong), but this week we talked about what we think heaven is/is not and what images of heaven we see in popular culture. in particular we looked at how from very early on christians were influenced by greek philosophy and that this may well have contributed to an other worldly non physical idea of heaven and a tendency to equate the physical world with sin and see the soul as something independent of a body.