Thursday, 19 February 2009

Faith and Daytime TV

Faith and Daytime TV
"Our theology has descended to the level of daytime television"

She is talking about how issues get polarized, there is no third way, seemed relevant. I though this quote summed things up nicely.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

dealing with peak oil - part 1

We watched the DVD "How Cuba survived peak oil - the power of community, our thoughts/response (no particular order).
  • there was a change in culture
  • the government relaxed some regulations, but enforced others.
  • local organisation was preferred over national and seemed to work better - fitting in with need to reduce transport costs.
  • big emphasis on keeping things local, so food production, housing, education and work all brought together. eg. lots of small Universities rather than a few big ones.
  • old ideas came back (small farms, oxen etc.) but also new technology was used.
  • quality of life was, arguably, better? people had less consumer goods but had more exercise and better diet, also were more involved with their neighbourhood. People shared more.
  • could what Cuba did scale to UK or London? we had our doubts.
Thinking about UK and alternatives to oil dependency etc.
  • thermal heating
  • hydrogen cars
  • nuclear power using latest generation of small efficient power stations, also makes power more local which is more efficient.
  • wind
  • tide
How should we respond internationally?
  • we need to share benefits of technology
  • we need to question our consumption
  • and we need to question our values - ie. that we find happiness through having / consuming things.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Journey to Jerusalem - Christian Aid

Journey to Jerusalem - Christian Aid

from Christian Aid

During Lent we want to challenge you to go beyond hearing about the people in the Holy Land, hear from them instead.

Every day through Lent our virtual pilgrimage will take you on an interactive journey.

Using short videos, podcasts, photo galleries, prayers and stories it will bring the Holy Land alive.

We will follow a route that takes in many of the locations mentioned as part of Jesus' journey towards Jerusalem. And along the way you will be able to find out more about issues, connect with other users, share your views and take part in actions that will help change lives.

Monday, 2 February 2009