Thursday 19 April 2007

Rowan Williams - the church needs to listen properly to the bible

Rowan Williams gave a lecture on this topic in Canada recently, link to full text below. But I want to quote once section in particular speaking about scripture...

"... a written text requires re-reading; it is never read for the last time, and it continuously generates new events of interpretation. It is fruitful of renewed communication in a way that the spoken word alone cannot be. So to identify a written text as sacred is to claim that the continuous possibility of re-reading, the impossibility of reading for the last time, is a continuous openness to the intention of God to communicate".

Warning, it's pretty dense stuff :-)


Bob said...

It's ironic really. I have to read most of what Rowan Williams writes at least three times before I fully understand it!!!

hdj said...

you should read the whole article - the bit I quoted was the easy section! it was a talk to theology students so fairs fair...